Category: Going Green on the Roof
October 2017: CAM Magazine

Photo from University of Michigan
University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business was a huge job for CEI last year. Now completed, CAM magazine has featured this job in there October 2017 Special issue. You can see the article here.

Photo from University of Michigan
In past years, CEI had installed a green roof onto the Kresge Business library. This zero floor green roof got an update along with the renovation of the rest of the building during the construction of Ross. It was reinstalled with plant material, repaired and updated to look great with the new building.
CEI was additionally contracted for the multiple elevation roofs at the Ross School. It was constructed of EPDM full tapered insulation and featured metal panels done by CEI’s very own sheet metal shop. Later in the project, Walbridge and other subcontractors looked to CEI for extra help on other scopes of work. The sheet metal shop made metal wall panels for the interior and exterior of the building.

CEI Green Roof Project- Ann Arbor Municipal Building
CEI has been a lead company in the movement of green roof designs. Now, more than ever, there is a push for this style of roof. Check out this article published by CAM Magazine. It highlights some major questions that building owners might have about green roof systems.
CAM Magazine: “Is there a Green Roof in Your Future?”
If you are interested in a green roof…

CEI Green Roof Project- Ann Arbor Municipal Building
Our design team that includes a horticulturalist, energy conservation adviser, and serviceability manager will help you develop the type of green roof that meets your objectives. CEI is the one company that can help walk you through the important issues of going green on your roof.
Or if you already have a green roof…
CEI Green Roof Service is safety-trained, bonded, and experienced at providing all your post installation service
and landscaping.
Earth day is a reminder for all to take care of the environment that surrounds us. We each can take better care of the places we work, play and live by having good maintenance practices to save us time, money and energy. By setting up a roof management program your building you can be more energy efficient, prevent untimely damage & repairs and save valuable resources. Earth day is about the responsibly of taking care of our environments, let CEI’s service department help to sustain the life of your roof with easy 1-2-3 steps.
1. Call CEI to set-up your roof evaluation
2. Schedule CEI Service
3. Check it off your list
CEI service Department 51-548-0039 ext. 121
For a facility, green roofing can increase the longevity of the roof membrane along with lowering energy costs. One of the nicest benefits is the value it can add with amenity and aesthetics. It is not only the facility that benefits from green sustainable roofing. Green roofing also contributes to the surrounding area in ways such as storm water management, reducing the urban heat island effect, and the attraction of insects and birds which can create a balance in the ecosystems of urban areas.
For a facilty, green roofing can increase the longevity of the roof membrane along with lowering energy costs. One of the nicest benefits is the value it can add with amenity and aesthetics. It is not only the facility that benefits from green sustainable roofing. Grren roofing also contributes to the surrounding area in ways such as stormwater management, reducing the urban heat island effect, and the attraction of insects and birds which can create a balance in the ecosystems of urban areas.