Presented by CEI Group

Category: Our Work (Page 2 of 3)

The Insight: Safety Segment

In the last couple weeks, CEI had their monthly safety meeting. Safety concerns for roofing can come both on and off the roof.  With 12 service trucks on the road, it is always important that we stress safety when driving.
The crew members reviewed some of the basics in safe driving techniques, being in control of the vehicle, being aware of the drivers around you, distracted driving and being courteous on the road. That way they are prepared for anything on the road.
Having our crews be safe drivers protects…
·        Our crews and workers
·        Company vehicles or materials
·        Most importantly, other people on the road.
As we prepare for the busy roofing season, we understand the importance of safety throughout the entire work day and pride ourselves on limiting job site accidents. In 2018 we are striving to achieve even higher safety standards.

The Insight: New Website?

Everyone knows the importance of having a website for any business. Big or small, business around the world have turned to the internet to promote themselves to a larger audience than ever before. To some, it almost seems that if you do not have a website your business does not exist. The technology world is moving and it is moving fast. Having no website means missing opportunities to reach a whole different customer base. Yet, there is another unspoken rule of businesses on the web; It involves the quality of your website.

According to an online Forbes article,

“This said, if you have a bad website it is better to have no website. While no website equals missed opportunities, a bad website can actually be worse since it literally makes your business look bad.”

Over the years, the world wide web has advanced and sometimes faster than businesses that are not technology centered can keep up. It is a whole full-time job just to keep up with internet marketing.

Trying to keep up with the ever-changing web, CEI is launching a new website design! The complete redesign and update will allow for all current and new CEI customers to be able to navigate and see our work or services with ease. CEI would love for you to check out this brand new addition to there online marketing re-vamp at

As well as, follow CEI on Facebook, Twitter, or  YouTube

Project Spotlight: Walbridge New Hudson Yard

Starting in August of 2017, the Walbridge yard job is located in New Hudson, Michigan. The job consisted of installing metal deck with flute fill insulation. CEI’s crews had to remove curbs on a high roof and patch holes in the deck. This job was short and successful ending in October of the same year. The best highlight of this job was it was free of safety violations and injuries. The simple job only consisted of one layer of insulation.

CEI foreman-Don said, “Everybody worked together, instead of against each other (on the job site).”

Teamwork and safety make for some of the best jobs.

Project Spotlight: Texas Assembly Plant

CEI received a job in Arlington Texas less than a year ago, the job was for a roof on the new construction of an expansion to this assembly plant. The new $1.4 million expansion includes a paint shop and upgrades to the assembly plant overall. CEI started on the job in April of 2017 and finished up in September of the same year. The project consisted of a flat roof with a vapor barrier and 2 layers of I.S.O, metal wall panels, and flashed walls and pipes.

“I would say that my best job of 2017 was our Texas job, it was a nice, clean, wide-open job”- Ron Bailey, Foreman’

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Project Spotlight: Ford Fairlane Town Center

The Fairlane Town Center is a located in Dearborn, MI. The former mall has been converted to office spaces for Ford Motor Company while they begin work on their 10-year project for two large campus headquarters. The Fairlane building was in need of small renovations of canopies over multiple entrances. CEI bid the Fairlane project in 2017 and have been working hard at it since.

A smaller project in size, it involves work only on a few entrance canopies. Each canopy involves interior and exterior composite wall panels with a small section of TPO roof on the top. The project is a big one for CEI because it is the first project that CEI is crafting there own composite panels. Over the course of 2017, CEI has been piecing together a composite panel shop. This adds a huge new division to CEI existing sheet metal shop. Ford Fairlane is the putting this new shop to work and the results are fantastic.

Project Spotlight: Detroit Observatory

One of the oldest buildings in Ann Arbor, the Detroit Observatory was built in 1852.

At that time it was outside of campus and city limits of Ann Arbor. As the city has grown it has encompassed the Observatory. It is one of the oldest observatories of its kind. CEI has been put to the test of restoring this amazing piece of architecture. The dome that is the highlight of the building is quite
the statement piece on its own. Adding to that statement is a new zinc-coated copper roof covering the dome. The dome has put CEI to the test and given them an excellent project to showcase there craftsmanship, attention to detail and skills when it comes to working with historical restorations.




Detroit Observatory- New Sheet Metal Roof

Related image

Detroit Observatory Dome- Before



















Project Spotlight: Ann Arbor Municipal Center

A look at the CEI installed a green roof that helped the city of Ann Arbor earn Gold LEED status from the Green Building Council!

This project designed by Quinn Evans Architects provided CEI the opportunity to showcase their skills in single ply roofing, green roofing, and metal wall panels. The team-work with Clark Construction, the construction management company, made the process enjoyable and the end results speak for themselves. The Ann Arbor Municipal Center will remain a favorite in CEI’s portfolio for years to come!

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Project Spotlight: Detroit Public Safety Headquarters

A look at the CEI installed Metl-Span panels that transformed the exterior of the former MGM Casino building into the beautiful new facility now housing the Detroit Public Safety Headquarters!
This project designed by the architects at SmithGroupJJR used Metl-Span two inch insulated metal wall panels to capture a modern look on a budget. The Metal-Span panels allowed for an all in one application of the vapor barrier and insulation finished off with a low maintenance exterior that’s just as pleasing to the eye and as it was to the pocketbook. The detailed coordination efforts of general contractors White-Turner helped CEI and the other trades involved tackle the challenge of this mammoth installation project and add this prized piece to their showcases and to the City of Detroit’s!

Project Spotlight: US Embassy – Shanghai, China 

This tile and wood batten roof project revived a tired roof system, bringing back its class and charm. The original tiles and hook system to secure them were removed, cleaned and inspected for defects. The tiles that met CEI’s standards were then set aside for re-installation. The roof decking was repaired, new underlayment, wood battens, and copper flashings were installed and then a mix of the reusable and new tiles was installed. The logistics of this overseas project and the re-use of most of the original tiles made this a challenging but unique project that will remain a feather in CEI’s cap for years to come.

Project Spotlight: Crisler Center Arena

A look at the multiple stages, CEI installed roofing and metal wall panel project that not only gave a new vibe to one of the University of Michigan’s architectural gems but also incorporated safety features such as a railing system and permanent anchor tie off points, installed by other contractors, right into its design!

The challenging task of renovating and adding to the U of M’s Crisler Center Arena was broken into multiple projects. Working with general contractors Clark Construction, CEI installed EPDM roofing and standing seam metal roofing on the renovated main section of the arena. Then working with general contractors Spence Brothers CEI installed composite metal wall panels, EPDM roofing, PVC roofing, roofing pavers and sections of live green roofing across various portions of the new additions!

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