Presented by CEI Group

Category: Trends in Commercial Roofing (Page 3 of 4)

The Insight: CEI’s 2018 Motto

In the past couple of years, CEI has started the year off with an annual kick-off meeting. Every year there has been a theme or motto that the company has carried throughout the year. 2018’s meeting is still in the works and is scheduled for April 15th but the theme is picked.

This years theme is Everything Counts!

It is broad and is most literally about everything but it is important and a great theme to kick of the year. 2016 and 2017 we some of CEI’s best years and looking forward, they are striving for even better. When it comes down to it, growing a business can be all about the details. It is important to pay attention to everything to achieve excellence.

The theme is inspired and loosely based on a book called Everything Counts! by Gary Ryan Blaire. Blaire has worked to help clients reach their goals and be more successful in many areas. His book provides a golden rule to excellence.

His rule is-

“Everything Counts! Everything you say; every thought you entertain; and everything you do has direction, which serves as an advance or a retreat in respect to your pursuit of excellence. Everything, regardless of size or intent, has bottom-line consequences; therefore, everything counts!”

The book goes into many small detailed aspects to define “everything”, the managers and partners at CEI have narrowed it down to there best 4 aspects to discuss with their teams; Quality Counts, Every Customer Counts, Every Detail Counts and Failure Counts.

Project Spotlight: Ford Fairlane Town Center

The Fairlane Town Center is a located in Dearborn, MI. The former mall has been converted to office spaces for Ford Motor Company while they begin work on their 10-year project for two large campus headquarters. The Fairlane building was in need of small renovations of canopies over multiple entrances. CEI bid the Fairlane project in 2017 and have been working hard at it since.

A smaller project in size, it involves work only on a few entrance canopies. Each canopy involves interior and exterior composite wall panels with a small section of TPO roof on the top. The project is a big one for CEI because it is the first project that CEI is crafting there own composite panels. Over the course of 2017, CEI has been piecing together a composite panel shop. This adds a huge new division to CEI existing sheet metal shop. Ford Fairlane is the putting this new shop to work and the results are fantastic.

Meet Our Partners

George Cook – Founder & Senior Manager

Since George founded CEI in 1968 he has been a recognized leader in the roofing industry. In the 49 years since he started CEI, he has been involved in all aspects of the business and driven the growth of the company.  In 2010 he gave up the title of President to his son Eric, but as Founder his is still involved in the day to day operations of the business.  George continues to use his vast roofing experience to manage some of CEI’s most complex projects and after the retirement of his brother John in 2014 also focuses on CEI’s international business.  George graduated in 1965 from Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan with a Bachelors degree in sales and marketing.

Eric C. Cook – President

Eric focuses his time and talents on the roofing operations side of the CEI companies, but he is also involved in estimating and project management. Eric joined CEI after earning a bachelors degree in business administration from Northwood University, Midland, Michigan in 1994. He has also held the titles of an estimator, project manager and operations manager since he joined the company in 1996.

Kristine C. Lindsey – Executive Vice President and General Counsel

Kristine rejoined CEI in 2006 after spending 7 years in the legal department of a large national roofing company where she held the titles of Associate General Counsel and General Counsel. At CEI she focuses her time on other company development and management issues and handles legal matters. Kristine earned two Bachelor of Arts degrees from Miami University, Oxford, OH in 1989 and a J.D. from Wayne State University Law School in 1993 and she is a member of the State Bar in both Michigan and Colorado.

G. Robert Cook – Executive Vice President

Rob’s main focus is on generating sales and managing to estimate for the CEI companies, but he is also involved in project management. Rob joined CEI after earning a bachelors degree in earth science from Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan in 1997. Since 1997 when he joined CEI, Rob has also held the title of an estimator, senior estimator and project manager.

Connect with Us!

CEI is working its way into the world-wide-web and social media empire. We would love for you to share, post, like, poke, tweet and shout out to us on some of our new profiles. We have been sharing some fun photos over the last couple of weeks of what it like to be a roofer everyday and are giving some tips for your roof!

Please click any of the links below to get connected with us!


Green Roof 101

CEI Green Roof Project- Ann Arbor Municipal Building

CEI has been a lead company in the movement of green roof designs. Now, more than ever,  there is a push for this style of roof. Check out this article published by CAM Magazine. It highlights some major questions that building owners might have about green roof systems.

CAM Magazine: “Is there a Green Roof in Your Future?”

If you are interested in a green roof…

CEI Green Roof Project- Ann Arbor Municipal Building

Our design team that includes a horticulturalist, energy conservation adviser, and serviceability manager will help you develop the type of green roof that meets your objectives. CEI is the one company that can help walk you through the important issues of going green on your roof.

Or if you already have a green roof…

CEI Green Roof Service is safety-trained, bonded, and experienced at providing all your post installation service


and landscaping.


GREEN PRINT FOR THE FOOTPRINT Growing a Green Roofing Business

By Mary E. Kremposky, Associate Director- CAM Magazine

CEI Michigan, LLC. Howell, was one of the first companies to brave the single-ply roofing market in the 80’s. Today, the roofing company is maintaining its competitive and technological edge with the development of a growing list of vegetated and green roofing projects. “We have always tried to stay ahead of the curve on new technology, ” said G. Robert Cook, vice president of sales/estimating. “We view vegetated and green roofs as being in that category. We always try to do something out of the ordinary.”
CEI has been patiently cultivating projects in the green marketplace. The company has completed a healthy list of environmentally friendly rooftops, including a 16,500-sqaure-foot vegetated roof for the recently constructed…


1) Lower Energy Costs
2) Storm water Management
3) Reducing Urban Heat Island Effect
4) Increase  Longevity of the  Roof
5) Amenity and Aesthetics

For a facility, green roofing can increase the longevity of the roof membrane along with lowering energy costs. One of the nicest benefits is the value it can add with amenity and aesthetics. It is not only the facility that benefits from green sustainable roofing. Green roofing also contributes to the surrounding area in ways such as storm water management, reducing the urban heat island effect, and the attraction of insects and birds which can create a balance in the ecosystems of urban areas.

Sheet Metal Roofs Predicted #1 in 2012

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Why Green Roofs Can Benefit Your Facility

For a facilty, green roofing can increase the longevity of the roof membrane along with lowering energy costs. One of the nicest benefits is the value it can add with amenity and aesthetics. It is not only the facility that benefits from green sustainable roofing. Grren roofing also contributes to the surrounding area in ways such as stormwater management, reducing the urban heat island effect, and the attraction of insects and birds which can create a balance in the ecosystems of urban areas.


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