Presented by CEI Group

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The Insight: Safety Segment

In the last couple weeks, CEI had their monthly safety meeting. Safety concerns for roofing can come both on and off the roof.  With 12 service trucks on the road, it is always important that we stress safety when driving.
The crew members reviewed some of the basics in safe driving techniques, being in control of the vehicle, being aware of the drivers around you, distracted driving and being courteous on the road. That way they are prepared for anything on the road.
Having our crews be safe drivers protects…
·        Our crews and workers
·        Company vehicles or materials
·        Most importantly, other people on the road.
As we prepare for the busy roofing season, we understand the importance of safety throughout the entire work day and pride ourselves on limiting job site accidents. In 2018 we are striving to achieve even higher safety standards.

The Insight: CEI’s 2018 Motto

In the past couple of years, CEI has started the year off with an annual kick-off meeting. Every year there has been a theme or motto that the company has carried throughout the year. 2018’s meeting is still in the works and is scheduled for April 15th but the theme is picked.

This years theme is Everything Counts!

It is broad and is most literally about everything but it is important and a great theme to kick of the year. 2016 and 2017 we some of CEI’s best years and looking forward, they are striving for even better. When it comes down to it, growing a business can be all about the details. It is important to pay attention to everything to achieve excellence.

The theme is inspired and loosely based on a book called Everything Counts! by Gary Ryan Blaire. Blaire has worked to help clients reach their goals and be more successful in many areas. His book provides a golden rule to excellence.

His rule is-

“Everything Counts! Everything you say; every thought you entertain; and everything you do has direction, which serves as an advance or a retreat in respect to your pursuit of excellence. Everything, regardless of size or intent, has bottom-line consequences; therefore, everything counts!”

The book goes into many small detailed aspects to define “everything”, the managers and partners at CEI have narrowed it down to there best 4 aspects to discuss with their teams; Quality Counts, Every Customer Counts, Every Detail Counts and Failure Counts.

Project Spotlight: Detroit Observatory

One of the oldest buildings in Ann Arbor, the Detroit Observatory was built in 1852.

At that time it was outside of campus and city limits of Ann Arbor. As the city has grown it has encompassed the Observatory. It is one of the oldest observatories of its kind. CEI has been put to the test of restoring this amazing piece of architecture. The dome that is the highlight of the building is quite
the statement piece on its own. Adding to that statement is a new zinc-coated copper roof covering the dome. The dome has put CEI to the test and given them an excellent project to showcase there craftsmanship, attention to detail and skills when it comes to working with historical restorations.




Detroit Observatory- New Sheet Metal Roof

Related image

Detroit Observatory Dome- Before



















Christmas Office Hours

CEI’s Offices will be closed

Monday, December 25th – Tuesday, December 26th

for the Christmas holiday. We wish everyone safe travels and a white Christmas this year!

Our repair crews are available 24/7. In case of an emergency please call-

Happy Holidays!

CEI is wishing everyone Happy Holidays! Last week everyone in the office and field had a great time getting together to share a meal and gift giving. This year’s presents were passed out along with safety checks for those in the field who worked hard all year long. The office team received raincoats ( for the men) and vests (for the ladies) after enjoying lunch together. The party then moved out into the shop where the field crews joined in and received sweatshirts. Great way to celebrate this holiday season!

Thanksgiving Office Hours

Thanksgiving Office Hours:
  • Monday, November 20th – Wednesday, November 22nd: Open 8am- 4:30pm
  • Thursday, November 23rd (Thanksgiving Day): Office Closed
  • Friday, November 24th: Office Closed
Our repair crews are available 24/7. In case of an emergency please call-

Calling in an Emergency!

We are moving our way into the holiday season with Thanksgiving just a week away. The upcoming season means that more time is going to be spent with family and vacations than in this past summer and fall months. It also means that there is going to be some drastic changes in our weather (at least in Michigan).


It could be likely that an unfortunate event could happen with the roof of your building. This can be a stressful event, especially if it’s over the holidays!

CEI is here to help!

We want to make sure that you are covered over the holidays with any emergency you might have. We have an emergency line that our customers can call anytime or day during our holiday hours! Yet, we also want to service you in the best way possible. That’s why we have a couple reminders for you when you give us a call…

Make sure that you mention to our service rep these 4 things over the phone so that we can best serve you in your emergency. 

  • Caller name and phone number
  • Location address
  • On-site contact and phone number
  • Leak Location

As always, have a Happy Thanksgiving and holiday season!


What Should I Check on My Building’s Roof?

In between routine inspections, look for the following hazards:
  • Debris-filled or blocked gutters/downspouts/storm drains
  • Damaged or cracked gutters/downspouts/storm drains
  • Standing water or evidence of past standing water on roof deck
  • Accumulation of excessive debris on roof deck
  • Suspected microbial growth or other water damage on roof deck
  • Evidence of bird, rodent, or insect infestation
  • Cracked, damaged, or missing roof deck material
  • Cracked or broken roof deck seals that are creating openings for water intrusion
  • Improperly sealed flashing systems with evidence of water intrusion
  • Cracks, gaps, or other damage to walls
  • Suspected microbial growth on HVAC system components
  • Presence of contaminant sources (fumes, exhaust) near air intake vents
  • Blocked, obstructed, or broken outside air intakes
  • Broken or missing air intake screens on air handling units
  • Excessive noise generated by HVAC system components
  • Open or uncontrolled access to roof

It’s important to take caution when inspecting your roof. Access the roof through a hatch or fixed ladder only and be sure to keep a safe distance from the edge at all times. Contact CEI to make necessary repairs and to help address any additional safety concerns.

Support To Bennett’s Beavers

Pictured is a wonderful thank you from Bennett’s Beavers and a example of there wood figures.

CEI has been supporting Bennett’s Beavers  for years. This small non-profit organization that creates small wood animals and other pieces for hospitalized children. These wooden figures are then taken to the hospitals and passed out with other art supplies for the kids to decorate. Based locally in Hamburg (not too far from CEI headquarters), they are a great charity doing even better work. As a company, CEI donated a $100 hole sponsorship to there golf outing.

If you would like to find out more, or donate to Bennett’s Beavers, you can visit there website here.


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