Presented by CEI Group

Tag: sheet metal (Page 2 of 2)

Project Spotlight: Ford Fairlane Town Center

The Fairlane Town Center is a located in Dearborn, MI. The former mall has been converted to office spaces for Ford Motor Company while they begin work on their 10-year project for two large campus headquarters. The Fairlane building was in need of small renovations of canopies over multiple entrances. CEI bid the Fairlane project in 2017 and have been working hard at it since.

A smaller project in size, it involves work only on a few entrance canopies. Each canopy involves interior and exterior composite wall panels with a small section of TPO roof on the top. The project is a big one for CEI because it is the first project that CEI is crafting there own composite panels. Over the course of 2017, CEI has been piecing together a composite panel shop. This adds a huge new division to CEI existing sheet metal shop. Ford Fairlane is the putting this new shop to work and the results are fantastic.

Project Spotlight: Detroit Observatory

One of the oldest buildings in Ann Arbor, the Detroit Observatory was built in 1852.

At that time it was outside of campus and city limits of Ann Arbor. As the city has grown it has encompassed the Observatory. It is one of the oldest observatories of its kind. CEI has been put to the test of restoring this amazing piece of architecture. The dome that is the highlight of the building is quite
the statement piece on its own. Adding to that statement is a new zinc-coated copper roof covering the dome. The dome has put CEI to the test and given them an excellent project to showcase there craftsmanship, attention to detail and skills when it comes to working with historical restorations.




Detroit Observatory- New Sheet Metal Roof

Related image

Detroit Observatory Dome- Before



















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