Presented by CEI Group

Tag: sustainable

Celebrate Earth Day Every Day- Make a Economical, Efficient and Energy saving Plan.

Earth day is a  reminder for all to take care of the environment that surrounds us. We each can take better care of the places we work, play and live by having good maintenance practices to save us time, money and energy. By setting up a roof management program your building you can be more energy efficient, prevent untimely damage & repairs and save valuable resources. Earth day is about the responsibly of taking care of our environments, let CEI’s service department help to sustain the life of your roof with easy 1-2-3 steps.

1. Call CEI to set-up your roof evaluation

2. Schedule CEI Service

3. Check it off your list

CEI service Department 51-548-0039 ext. 121

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GREEN PRINT FOR THE FOOTPRINT Growing a Green Roofing Business

By Mary E. Kremposky, Associate Director- CAM Magazine

CEI Michigan, LLC. Howell, was one of the first companies to brave the single-ply roofing market in the 80’s. Today, the roofing company is maintaining its competitive and technological edge with the development of a growing list of vegetated and green roofing projects. “We have always tried to stay ahead of the curve on new technology, ” said G. Robert Cook, vice president of sales/estimating. “We view vegetated and green roofs as being in that category. We always try to do something out of the ordinary.”
CEI has been patiently cultivating projects in the green marketplace. The company has completed a healthy list of environmentally friendly rooftops, including a 16,500-sqaure-foot vegetated roof for the recently constructed…

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