Happy New Year, and Welcome to 2024!
CEI will look to expand and grow this year as new projects, opportunities, and even challenges are brought to us! We want to share a special note from our very own President, Eric Cook, that reflects on 2023 and looks into 2024.
Hello there from the President,
2023 for CEI was one of the best years we have had. We want to thank many people, including a hard-working staff of employees and their families, for helping CEI get there! We were able to work about 18% more hours than last year, thanks to Mother Nature for a big part of that, as well as our estimators, who did a great job getting the work that we needed to be able to do that!
CEI is looking at 2024 and is working towards being able to do the same or even better than 2023. We have lined up a great amount of work for 2024 already and are working hard to find even more. With that being said, CEI wants to thank you for a great year, and we are looking forward to the next trip around the sun with all of you.
Please remember that together, we make CEI Rock!
Happy New Year,
The Prez
Eric Cook