Roofer Madness

Presented by CEI Group

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Connect with Us!

CEI is working its way into the world-wide-web and social media empire. We would love for you to share, post, like, poke, tweet and shout out to us on some of our new profiles. We have been sharing some fun photos over the last couple of weeks of what it like to be a roofer everyday and are giving some tips for your roof!

Please click any of the links below to get connected with us!


Sponsoring Brighton Ice Hockey Club!


Our partners Kristine Lindsey, Rob Cook and Eric Cook all played in the Brighton Ice golf outing this weekend! CEI donated $100 in support of Trey Slocum and the Brighton Ice Mite hockey team. It was a beautiful and hot day to enjoy some golf. We wish the team and Trey luck as they go into this years season!

CEI Receives 2017 Carlisle’s ESP Award

Congratulations to CEI Michigan!

CEI Michigan, LLC was recently awarded the Carlisle’s ESP award of 2017. They were given the title of one of the most successful Carlisle contractors in the commercial roofing industry. The award is based on quality and volume of installations of the Carlisle roofing system. CEI is excited about their achievement as a company, as this places them among some of the most elite contractors in the industry. Thank you to Carlisle’s for recognizing them as one of the highest ranked applicators. Carlisle is always a contractor friendly company and there product is extremely trust worthy. As a company, CEI is always happy to work with them and are honored with this award.

2017 Carlisle’s ESP Award 

PHS Varsity Hockey Team Sponsorship

CEI helped sponsor the Pinckney Varsity Hockey Team!

As a company, CEI donated $600 in support of PHS Varsity Hockey.  They were featured as a hole sponsor at the teams summer golf outing and as a T-Shirt sponsor on the 2017 hockey t-shirt. CEI wishes the team a safe and successful season!

Local 70 Roofer’s Union and CEI are featured in “The Journeyman Roofer and Waterproofer”

Second Quarter 2017: The Journeyman Roofer and Waterproofer

View the Article!

Check out this short cover feature on the Local 70 roofers union. It highlights the daily work that these roofers do to keep the people of Ann Arbor protected, especially the college students. CEI was featured in the article for there work done on Aero Auto, a roof repair that was needed because of poor work was done by non-union workers. “This time the union roofers get the job done right, the first time.” reads the article.

Green Roof 101

CEI Green Roof Project- Ann Arbor Municipal Building

CEI has been a lead company in the movement of green roof designs. Now, more than ever,  there is a push for this style of roof. Check out this article published by CAM Magazine. It highlights some major questions that building owners might have about green roof systems.

CAM Magazine: “Is there a Green Roof in Your Future?”

If you are interested in a green roof…

CEI Green Roof Project- Ann Arbor Municipal Building

Our design team that includes a horticulturalist, energy conservation adviser, and serviceability manager will help you develop the type of green roof that meets your objectives. CEI is the one company that can help walk you through the important issues of going green on your roof.

Or if you already have a green roof…

CEI Green Roof Service is safety-trained, bonded, and experienced at providing all your post installation service


and landscaping.


Celebrate Earth Day Every Day- Make a Economical, Efficient and Energy saving Plan.

Earth day is a  reminder for all to take care of the environment that surrounds us. We each can take better care of the places we work, play and live by having good maintenance practices to save us time, money and energy. By setting up a roof management program your building you can be more energy efficient, prevent untimely damage & repairs and save valuable resources. Earth day is about the responsibly of taking care of our environments, let CEI’s service department help to sustain the life of your roof with easy 1-2-3 steps.

1. Call CEI to set-up your roof evaluation

2. Schedule CEI Service

3. Check it off your list

CEI service Department 51-548-0039 ext. 121

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